Bio Identical Hormone Therapy for Women
Many women experience the effects of hormone imbalance as they age, some as early as age 35. No one can accurately predict when, or if these symptoms will occur and the extent to which they may impact the quality of your life.
There are key signals that should alert you to the possibility that changes you sense in your body may be related to depleted hormone levels. If you notice loss of libido, unexpected weight gain, forgetfulness, unusual mood swings, changes in the look and feel of your hair and skin, or just general fatigue and a lack of energy or drive, you are probably experiencing the unpleasant side effects of perimenopause or menopause.
Perimenopause is characterized by irregular periods, is more common in your mid to late 40’s, and can last for several years before periods stop completely during full menopause.
We believe the problem starts with a decline in the supply of natural hormones within the body. We solve the problem with hormones the body recognizes as being identical to the ones to which it is familiar.

Restoring hormonal balance has many positive health benefits as well as helping to control symptoms of menopause. Most doctors treat patients with synthetic drugs that have been known to have harsh and unpleasant side effects. In our clinics we perform thorough laboratory testing to specifically identify those hormones that need supplementation or proper regulation. We only prescribe bioidentical hormones that are produced to exacting standards by qualified professional pharmacies. These products are designed to mirror the hormones produced by the body.